A series of novel isatin-thiazole derivatives were synthesized and screened for their in vitro\nÃ?±-glucosidase inhibitory activity. These compounds displayed a varying degree of Ã?±-glucosidase\ninhibitory activity with IC50 ranging from 5.36 Ã?± 0.13 to 35.76 Ã?± 0.31 Ã?¼m as compared to the standard\ndrug acarbose (IC50 = 817.38 Ã?± 6.27 Ã?¼m). Among the series, compound 6p bearing a hydroxyl\ngroup at the 4-position of the right phenyl and 2-fluorobenzyl substituent at the N1-positions of\nthe 5-methylisatin displayed the highest inhibitory activity with an IC50 value of 5.36 Ã?± 0.13 Ã?¼m.\nMolecular docking studies revealed the existence of hydrophobic interaction, CH-Ãâ?¬ interaction,\narene-anion interaction, arene-cation interaction, and hydrogen bond between these compounds and\nÃ?±-glucosidase enzyme.